Allianz - lake landscape
Travel Insurance Benefits

Baggage Delay

woman with delayed luggage
Allianz - woman with delayed luggage

Definition: Your baggage is delayed by a common carrier, hotel or tour operator for 12
hours or more. Travel insurance can reimburse you for reasonable essential items up to the specific policy’s limit until your baggage arrives. If your plan includes SmartBenefitsSM, you can opt to receive a fixed inconvenience payment of $100 per insured person, per day, for a covered baggage delay (up to the maximum no-receipts limit). No receipts required — just proof of a covered delay.

Example: It’s a good thing you arrived at your big quarterly meeting a day early to prepare. Because your luggage didn’t. When you made your connection in Chicago to Madison, Wisconsin, your luggage was sent to Atlanta. At least that’s what the airline office told you several hours after filing a claim. And while it’s going to take about 36 hours to reunite with your clothes, toiletries and more, you do have time to go shopping for a toothbrush and new duds. And you’ll still have the chance to review the notes for your big speech to shareholders, minty-fresh breath and all.

Available in: OneTrip Basic Plan, OneTrip Prime Plan, OneTrip Premier Plan, OneTrip Emergency Medical Plan, AllTrips Basic, AllTrips Prime, AllTrips Executive, and AllTrips Premier

Further Reading

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Sep 13, 2019